The 817 is modeled on the Ibanez Tube Screamer, but is a fair bit more versatile. Not JHS Bonsai versatile, but versatile none the less.
This one is built to TS808 specs with the usual Gain, Volume and Tone knobs, but has the added functionality of having three clipping options and three bass options, both on three-way toggle switches. Standard 808 is with the clipping switch in the down position (two silicon clipping diodes) and the bass switch in the middle for the most pronounced mid range. Flip the clipping switch to the UP position for six silicon diodes and a bit more headroom, or the middle position for two red LED clipping diodes and no silicon for even more headroom.
The Bass options are Standard, + and ++.
The interweb is full of sites that provide circuit analyses and comparisons between diferent TS versions. I must have read 95% whilst planning this pedal, and put a couple together on vero board before finding a good pcb (there’s a TS10 on vero board in the photos). To my ears, the 808 with a JRC4558D dual op-amp provided the sweetest tones, so that’s what I finally built.
Only top quality Components were used for the build. An AionFX pcb holding Wima, Nichicon, Vishay, TDK and Panasonic capacitors, genuine JRC4558D dual op-amp (socketed, so you can try others), Switchcraft sockets, Alpha pots and switches and a Gorva Designs foot switch, all housed in a genuine Hammond enclosure finished in Black sparkle with copper wire decals. Completely hand built on Ynys Môn.
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